Friday, February 13, 2009

Chad's First Post - My Princess

I am about to get as sappy and open as I am capable, but I can't resist sharing a peek into my own heart.

My first post (EVER!) needs to be about nothing more than my deep love and admiration for Kris. If you follow this blog you have seen the amazing amount of love Kris has for people; her kids, her family, her friends, her patients at the hospital, and even me. We are blessed to be loved by her and better people for it.

  • If you have ever tasted her food then you have been blessed. I get to eat it EVERY day!

  • If you have ever seen how beautiful she is when she smiles then you have been blessed! I get to see this almost everyday (there is some correlation to sleep with this one)

  • If you have ever been encouraged by her loyal friendship, you've been blessed! 13 years and counting!

  • If you have ever seen how much she loves her children then you are blessed! Yes, even when she isn't happy with them.

  • If you have ever seen Kris care for a patient at work then you have been blessed! Okay, I am going off of her stories which sound legit. =)

  • If you have ever been the recipient of a gift from Kris then you have been blessed! Most of the western hemisphere falls into this catagory.

  • I could go on...
I love you Kris. I look on our past together as the best years of my life. I look towards our future life together as a gift from God. As for today, well my heart tells me that I am more in love with you than ever.

For the times I have let you down; I am sorry. For the times that I didn't listen; I am sorry. For the times I have forgotten your love for me; I am sorry. For the times I have failed to make you smile; I am sorry. For the times I have taken your love for granted; I am sorry. I want to be the best for you and I will stop at nothing to make that happen.

You are my Princess,


1 comment:

JECKBECK (Erin) said...

Chad- you just scored high points in my book! That was super sweet. I am lucky to have been "blessed" by several of these characteristics of Kris's and I am grateful that I know her and can call her my friend!

You are one very lucky guy and it looks like she is one lucky girl too!