Sunday, July 13, 2008

Killer Bees

Last night while I was at work I got a call from my husband for the first time in over a year!!! I immediately knew something was up. In my wildest dreams I wouldn't have guessed it was a house full of bees.

So, here is how it happened...
Chad was walking out to the garage and on his way noticed 2 dead bees on the floor of our kitchen. He thought "well that was weird", and then he looked up. There were over 40 bees swarming in our kitchen. He grabbed the kids and headed outside and called the exterminator. After 2 hours of waiting, the exterminator finally showed up and confirmed our fear that these were indeed africanized killer bees. He did not find any evidence of a hive or honey combs in our attic, but says that there were probably about 10,000 bees up there. He dusted the attic with poison, charged us a ton of money and was gone in no time. Fortunately we are now only finding dead bees!

How weird is that? I am beginning to wonder what a normal week would look like at my house.

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