Tuesday, August 12, 2008

11 Years and Still Going Strong

After 11 years of marriage, I feel as though I am finally qualified to share some of the things I have learned over the years...

1 - God must be at the center of your marriage. (where else would we find the patience to deal with our significant other)

2 - Marriage takes work, which includes sacrifice and compromise from both partners.

3 - When you find the right person you WILL know. There won't been any doubts (even after 11 years)

4 - Communication is key!

5 - Laughter is a must. (even in the most stressful times, it is important to laugh together)

6 - It is important to be united (or at least pretend to be) on everything when it comes to your kids.
7 - Spending time ALONE together is a must. This one is sometimes hard when you have kids, but it is vital to a relationship.

I love my husband more today than I did when we met almost 13 years ago. We are celebrating our 11th wedding anniversary this Saturday and I am so grateful to have him in my life. He truly does complete me. He brings out the best in me and he sometimes knows just what I need before I even know myself. We have laughed together and cried together. Fortunately we rarely fight. I stood by him when he was moving us all over to start his career as a youth minister, he stood by me when I we were finally settled and I went back to school to become a nurse, and we stood by each other when they thought our son might have cancer and even though he didn't we supported each other every time he had to have a major surgery. I wish I could tell Chad more often just how much I love and appreciate the person he is and all that he does for me. I AM SO GLAD THAT WE ARE STILL GOING STRONG!


Nancy Williams said...

Congrats on the 11 years!! Curt and I are celebrating 13 yeears married and 15 together on the 19th don't get too used to the dayshift schedule like it or not you are a vampire like the rest of us!(now if we could only get Edward to work with us lol) I hope to see you soon at work


Wendi said...

Hurry and finish Breaking Dawn so you can get on with life ( ha ha) but then of course you are going to want to read it again! That was sweet what you wrote about you and your hubby- you are right- what would we do without good men in our lives? It was good to see you the last few days!

JECKBECK (Erin) said...

Congrats on 11 good years! Enjoy what's to come...