Monday, August 11, 2008

Day Life

I can't even begin to tell you how wonderful it has been to be on a day schedule for the past 4 days and I still have 2 more to go! I feel like I have energy and I can think clear enough to help my kids with their homework. Yesterday I even baked several dozen cookies for work, played scrabble with my husband, and put the finishing touches on my 4th of July scrapbook! It is amazing how much more productive I am when I am not busy being a vampire.


JECKBECK (Erin) said...

I had been off for 6 days. It is amazing how productive I was when I actually slept at night. Oh to be a dayshifter. A pipe dream for me, but maybe someday...

Mrs.Oklahoma said...

After our movie last night, I went to bed and I slept through the whole night!! WOO!! It's nice to have a normal life huh lol....

See you a little later!