Saturday, August 30, 2008

Skater Dude!

After much anticipation and a very long wait, Collin finally started his skateboarding lessons today! He got his skateboard and helmet for Christmas last year and has been on a waiting list for lessons ever since. It was harder work than he anticipated, but we were NOT disappointed. The instructors were GREAT with the kids.

Even I was getting excited and was tempted to try it myself, but I decided for Collins sake to wait and try it when we got home so that I won't embarrass him. I will have Chad take a video when I do get out there to try so that you can all have a good laugh. In the meantime, here is a quick clip of Collin skateboarding for the first time.

The funny thing about the instructors is that before the class they are skating and really just tearing it up, but they are NOT wearing helmets. When the lessons start they all put on helmets to be a good example to our kids...As soon as the lessons are over, you better believe that all the helmets come off - too funny!


James, Sarah, Cameron and baby Paige said...

Oh dear,skateboarding!! How exciting! He better always wear his helmet!! :)

Kim said...

Look at how good he is doing on his skateboard. Your kids are so cute. Your blog is awesome.