Friday, May 1, 2009

Great News!

Well, for the first time in a long time, I received GREAT news from the cornea specialist this morning!

The first time I went to see him after my LASIK surgery I was only seeing 20/100 in my right eye. As many of you remember, his first reaction was not good. He was initially talking about the possibility of doing a cornea transplant, and at the VERY best that my vision would end up at about 20/30 and I would need to wear a contact in that eye forever. (Not something you want to hear after you just spent thousands of dollars so that you wouldn't have to wear contacts anymore)

At my last visit, things looked good, but we were still only hoping that I would eventually get to see as good as 20/30 (I was still 20/40 at my last visit).

When he tested my vision this morning I am seeing 20/25!!!!! That is better than he EVER expected. He was so excited that he tried to call my LASIK surgeon on speaker phone in the exam room:) I am so thankful that this has all turned out as good as it has, and I am happy to be sharing some good news!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Who knows-- it may even get better than that! I'm so happy for you!