This past week I started to notice an all too familiar feeling of not being able to see "quite right". I let it go for a couple of days thinking that I was just tired, but when I got called in to work on Tuesday night I realized that I REALLY am having trouble seeing again. I have to admit that in my mind I went into panic mode. I insisted that my surgeon work me in on Wednesday (which he was very happy to do) since my cornea doc was unavailable.
They tested my vision and it has gone from the wonderful 20/25 in the right eye back to 20/60!!!!!!! OMG, is this ever going to end? Here is the real kicker...this time they can't tell why I have lost my vision in that eye. I am just hoping that I am experiencing the vision loss before the doctors can visually see what is going on. I am going to see the cornea doc tomorrow. My sight has definitely NOT improved over the last 6 days, if anything it has gotten worse. 

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