Sunday, June 14, 2009

Scrapbooking Fun!

I had so much fun at scrapbooking this weekend that I had to share. Recently I found out that several of my friends LOVE greeting cards. They love going to Hallmark and picking out the perfect card for people. I am absolutely the opposite! I don't see the value in them (that doesn't mean that I don't give them). I sometimes get sucked in by a great card and pay the OUTRAGEOUS $2 to $5 for them and then the receiver reads it and throws it away.

Hmmm....maybe I should have given them a $5 gift card somewhere instead....

Anyway, back to scrapbooking, this month we made cards! It was super fun and I was able to make 12 cards for like $2!!!! Granted, I had to pour a lot more of my time and energy into them, but that it was makes them so great. Here are some pictures of a few that I made.
I made 36 total. The last set I made was a set of "male themed" cards in browns and greens, but I didn't get to photograph them because my camera is currently traveling abroad with my honey.

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