Monday, September 8, 2008


I hate to complain, but I have to say that I have had the crappiest 5 days off EVER. My first day off started with a migraine that lasted for 4 days and was accompanied by a stiff neck. I had one day back to feeling normal and then I woke up at 5 am Sunday morning with what turns out to be a kidney infection and a UTI. I started antibiotics right away which apparently make me throw up and I still have 6 days left of taking them. It is going to be a long week...


Matt and Jen McCabe said...

Yuck Kris. I know how cherished our days off can be. I hope you feel better soon!

Chad Diegle said...

Buck up!

JECKBECK (Erin) said...

There must be a "super virus" going around because our house sounds like an infirmary right now too!

Hope you feel better soon!

~* Candice*~ said...

Feel better!