-Lay down and have your eye just about sucked out of your head.
-While trying to keep your eye in your head they zap it with something that cuts a "C" shape in around the coloring. Something call a "flap" is the result.
-After it looks like they burned all of the eye, they stick a metal pick in under the burned skin and peel it back like skinning a grape.
-The Dr. puts what appears to be a yellow/orange wood stain around your eyes.
-At this point, I asked for a vomit bowl.
-Now, the Dr. projects some sort of crop circle type of image on her eyeballs and yells "Everyone, stand back!".
-Loud noises and blinding lights flash violently around the entire room.
-Within a short amount of time the noises and bright lights shining into Kris' eyes ceases.
-Kris sits up and vulua; PERFECT VISION! ;o)

Okay, so maybe that isn't exact...but pretty close from my view. Bottom line is Kris has beautiful eyes and we no longer need to view them through a lense, of any type.
We love you Kris! Enjoy the new look on life!

<--- Eye after flap.

Aireal photo of ocean...

That is amazing that that can be done! How is the recovery process? Are you doing OK?
I'm not gonna lie... that was pretty creepy, but I'm seriously happy for you Kris!
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