Admiration: Ad`mi*ra"tion\, n. [F., fr. L. admiratio. See
1. Wonder; astonishment. [Obs.]
2. Wonder mingled with approbation or delight; an emotion excited by a person or thing possessed of wonderful or high excellence; as, admiration of a beautiful woman, of a landscape, of virtue.
Every now and then, we meet special people in our lives. I have had the pleasure to meet and to work with Erin B. I have been asked on several occasions throughout my life to tell about someone I admire, and for as long as I can remember I always picked the same person. I was sitting her thinking recently about who I know that I admire the most, and Erin came to mind immediately. I may not know her that well (really just as colleagues), but I can't say enough good things about what I do know. She is an amazing mom, a loving wife, a dedicated nurse who loves what she does, and a woman of faith. She ALWAYS has a smile for everyone. She works nights and lives for her kids. I honestly do not even know how she can function sometimes, but she does and she does it well. I would very much like to be more like her This is for you Erin... You AMAZE me!
I don't know whether to be flattered or utterly embarrassed. You surely don't know the real me. I am unorganized, moody, totally nieve to parenting...
Anyways, that was very kind. Thanks for the sweet words!
PS- I can't wait to show my hubby this...he will get a good laugh!
PSS- you do realize that I no longer write your eval.- right? Just checking!
Kris - So I see that I am not the only person who recognizes this as well. I often wonder how Erin does it. She is amazing and my kids and I are blessed. Thank you for your kind words.
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