Saturday, February 21, 2009
To Be Next...
"It is some sort of perfidious human desire to never be where we are, but to be next, to be the next minute forward, to escape the present."
I have especially felt like this with all of the eye problems that occurred with my surgery. I am truly tired of dealing with it and more than anything want to get to the point where I can pretend that nothing ever happened. For those that are wondering and don't already know, I will not be getting my LASIK surgery for now. It does seem that it may happen eventually, but for now it is a no go. Soon I will be in my contacts again and everyone will forget this ever happened.
When was the last time you truly lived in the moment? When was the last time you had a day where you weren't thinking about the next day, or what your schedule was for the next week, or when your next vacation was? I honestly can't remember the last time for me...
Sunday, February 15, 2009
My Sweet Little Angel
- Happy Valentine's Day mom & dad. Mom you are top chef in the house. Please don't call me lover boy. Only kiss me at bed time. Love you mom. Mom your an angel. Dad I love when you play catch with me. Dad get real. I love your jokes. Your son Collin
Collin is the sweetest, most compassionate little boy. I am so blessed to have him as a son!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Chad's First Post - My Princess
My first post (EVER!) needs to be about nothing more than my deep love and admiration for Kris. If you follow this blog you have seen the amazing amount of love Kris has for people; her kids, her family, her friends, her patients at the hospital, and even me. We are blessed to be loved by her and better people for it.
- If you have ever tasted her food then you have been blessed. I get to eat it EVERY day!
- If you have ever seen how beautiful she is when she smiles then you have been blessed! I get to see this almost everyday (there is some correlation to sleep with this one)
- If you have ever been encouraged by her loyal friendship, you've been blessed! 13 years and counting!
- If you have ever seen how much she loves her children then you are blessed! Yes, even when she isn't happy with them.
- If you have ever seen Kris care for a patient at work then you have been blessed! Okay, I am going off of her stories which sound legit. =)
- If you have ever been the recipient of a gift from Kris then you have been blessed! Most of the western hemisphere falls into this catagory.
- I could go on...
For the times I have let you down; I am sorry. For the times that I didn't listen; I am sorry. For the times I have forgotten your love for me; I am sorry. For the times I have failed to make you smile; I am sorry. For the times I have taken your love for granted; I am sorry. I want to be the best for you and I will stop at nothing to make that happen.
You are my Princess,
Love of a Lifetime

By our second date, we decided not to see other people. It was only about 3 months later that Chad flew me to Minnesota to meet his sister, and only about a month later that I realized that Chad was in this forever...
So even after all of these years, we are still going strong. Chad may not be the most romantic guy I have ever met. He doesn't believe in flowers because they die, but he does the things that matter to me the most. He is BY FAR the best at giving back rubs and he gives them to me way more than I deserve (even if he doesn't want to), he makes me laugh more than anyone, and sometimes I think he knows me better than I know myself. I am so happy to be married to him! We now have our two beautiful kids to share our love with, and I hope that if we can't teach them anything else, that they will get to see a good example of what a marriage is supposed to be like from watching me and Chad.This is us as a young family (probably 4 years ago)
This is us this past Christmas in Albuquerque, NM where our life started together as a couple.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
1. Wonder; astonishment. [Obs.]
2. Wonder mingled with approbation or delight; an emotion excited by a person or thing possessed of wonderful or high excellence; as, admiration of a beautiful woman, of a landscape, of virtue.

Saturday, February 7, 2009
Life is FULL of disappointments...

Some are just BIGGER than others!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009
My Newest Creation
Don't worry my work friends... I already bought all the stuff to make it again and when I am back to work I will bring one in YUM!!