Well, my surgery is done and I have to say that I am NOT bouncing back as fast as I did 5 years ago when I had my hysterectomy! Aside from the first day, I have not had any surgical pain - it is other things that are keeping me down.

Here are a couple of shots of my abdominal incisions.
The biggest problem I have faced is that when I woke up from anesthesia, something was wrong with my eye. It hurt so bad and the tears were just pouring out! I was sent home with some numbing drops that enabled me to open my eye, but 3 hours after getting home from the hospital I found myself in the urgent care (per my surgeons request) to make sure that there was not something in my eye. I was diagnosed with a severe and large...
Corneal abrasion: A scratch or scrape on the cornea, the clear front window of the eye that transmits and focuses light into the eye..
The doctor said, "it is the worst one I have ever seen". It was approximately 1/2 inch long and directly across the middle of my eye. I was given 2 more types of eye drops and told to follow up with an opthamologist the following day.
NOTE: This may not seem like a big deal to all that are reading, but please keep in mind that I am scheduled to undergo LASIK surgery on 2/6/09.
So, on Thursday, the day after surgery, I had to wait at another doctors appt for almost 2 hours! The news there was that it will heal eventually and that I will probably have to postpone my LASIK surgery for a couple of weeks. Here we are today, Wednesday, and I still cannot see out of my left eye. This has definitely been the biggest complication of my surgery. I think I would have recovered quicker had I not had to spend so much time dealing with this eye problem. It absolutely exhausted me.

This is my sweet little dog who laid by my side for 3 days when I wasn't at the doctors office. Here is the pile of magazines and a book I was planning to read while I was laid up, but have yet been able to do thanks to my little eye problem. Finally, on the right is a picture of my home for the last week, my bed.
My poor sweet friend.. I'm glad your on the mend because I sure am not... Your card today was so sweet, you've done more then you know during this surgery and the impending Thyroid scary stuff.... Just knowing I can count on you makes it that much better :)
I love you Kris Diegle! :)
PS save those magazines for me to read after my next surgery, I too have 3 magazines and 1 book to read and haven't yet lol
OH my gosh! I did not even know you were having this surgery! Where in the world did the corneal abrasion come from? Did it happen during the surgery? Are you doing better now? I love reading your blog. Gavin and I love your blog music too!
So sorry that this all happened! Major surgery is enough without other complications...like not being able to see! Dang! Well, now we are twins with are belly scars! Thank goodness they are small, eh? Take care of yourself, and hope the eye surgery goes excellent!
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