Saturday, January 31, 2009


This is a PERFECT example of why my kids should not EVER leave their toys, clothing, etc... in the kitchen. I have absolutely NO idea how this happened...

The other night when I was baking cookies I noticed that something did not smell right so I opened the oven only to find that one of my sons new, EXPENSIVE, UnderArmor receiver gloves had fallen into the oven and was ON FIRE!!!!

Needless to say, Collin cried and cried, but I assured him that while I did feel bad about his Christmas present getting ruined, that it was definitely NOT my fault. Sometimes kids just have to learn lessons the hard way!

Sorry Auntie Micky :(

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Check out the new addition to my blog...

If you scroll down to the bottom of my posts you will find a fun jigsaw puzzle that you can put together. I will try to update it with a new one every week. I love this stuff.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Good Times with Great Friends

Finally, I am starting to feel like myself again.

  • The house is clean (for the most part, at least the beds are made and the laundry is done)

  • I have cooked 2 nights in a row!

  • I am planning to bake cookies for all of my coworkers tomorrow and drop them off tomorrow night

  • I was actually able to read a magazine!!!

  • I met up with Brittney, my other recovering friend, and we went to see a movie. (we figured that this would not take too much energy)

Britt and I went to see "Bride Wars" today and we really enjoyed it. It was a total chick flick that Chad would have hated!

It was defnitely good for me because it kept me down for a couple of hours. I have to admit...I am not great at this recovery stuff. I am only down if I absolutely HAVE to be.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Where have we been???

Trachelectomy: Surgical removal of the cervix, the lower portion of the uterus that protrudes into the vagina.

Well, my surgery is done and I have to say that I am NOT bouncing back as fast as I did 5 years ago when I had my hysterectomy! Aside from the first day, I have not had any surgical pain - it is other things that are keeping me down.

Here are a couple of shots of my abdominal incisions.

The biggest problem I have faced is that when I woke up from anesthesia, something was wrong with my eye. It hurt so bad and the tears were just pouring out! I was sent home with some numbing drops that enabled me to open my eye, but 3 hours after getting home from the hospital I found myself in the urgent care (per my surgeons request) to make sure that there was not something in my eye. I was diagnosed with a severe and large...
Corneal abrasion: A scratch or scrape on the cornea, the clear front window of the eye that transmits and focuses light into the eye..
The doctor said, "it is the worst one I have ever seen". It was approximately 1/2 inch long and directly across the middle of my eye. I was given 2 more types of eye drops and told to follow up with an opthamologist the following day.
This is me trying to open my eye that first night so that Chad could get a picture of me. This is NOT the happy smiling Kris you all know.

This is what it looked like when I finally got my eye open. It took everything I had to get this picture. The light made it so hard. That is why we didn't try for a clearer one. Notice my hand on the side of my neck trying to brace myself for the pain. Who would have known this would be the worst part of my surgery???
NOTE: This may not seem like a big deal to all that are reading, but please keep in mind that I am scheduled to undergo LASIK surgery on 2/6/09.
So, on Thursday, the day after surgery, I had to wait at another doctors appt for almost 2 hours! The news there was that it will heal eventually and that I will probably have to postpone my LASIK surgery for a couple of weeks. Here we are today, Wednesday, and I still cannot see out of my left eye. This has definitely been the biggest complication of my surgery. I think I would have recovered quicker had I not had to spend so much time dealing with this eye problem. It absolutely exhausted me.

This is my sweet little dog who laid by my side for 3 days when I wasn't at the doctors office. Here is the pile of magazines and a book I was planning to read while I was laid up, but have yet been able to do thanks to my little eye problem. Finally, on the right is a picture of my home for the last week, my bed.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Ronald the Bruce!

Today is a very special day in the Diegle household as we celebrate the 62nd birthday of my farter-in-law, oh I mean father-in-law, Ron! Okay, so we are not really celebrating, but we do want to acknowledge what a great guy he is. He is super intellegent, he is a wonderful father and grandfather, he is superburb at creating adventure stories to tell my boys when he comes to visit, and he still runs several miles at least 3 times a week! The list can go on...

Happy Birthday Ron....We Love You!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

New Year Renovations

Well, Chad and I brought in the new year by making some much needed updates to our house. The first thing we did was put up a rod and curtains so that we can separate our bedroom from our bathroom. It hasn't really bothered us in the past, but with my middle of the night wake up calls for work, Chad prefers not to have the lights blaring in his face while I am getting ready. The boys are also getting older and we are needing some extra privacy.

Then on New Years Eve while I was working, Chad surprised me by starting on repainting both of the boys rooms. It was in our plans and he was in the mood so by the time I got home on New Years Day - Collin's room was completely done. We spent New Years Day painting Dylan's room and then that night after a nice dinner at my mom's house, we put all of their furniture in place and everything on the walls. (Including their new "Fatheads" that their Nana got them for Christmas) I must say...their rooms look GREAT! Go Cardinals! Here are the pictures of Collins room...

Now here are pictures of Dylan's room....

It is hard to give you a full picutre of what their rooms look like, but we painted them a light gray which looks great with all of their Cardinals gear.