Well, thanks to numerous requests from friends and my cousins, I AM BACK to blogging. Just in time to share a story with all of you.
It seems at though my sweet little boy, Collin, has been growing up before my eyes....complete with an attitude to boot. It happens so subtly that you don't even realize it is happening until you look back at pictures, etc...
Well, the other night, Chad and I came home at 10pm after getting together with friends and we went to check on the boys and kiss them good night. When I walked into Collin's room I made a very precious discovery. He was sleeping with the baby blanket I made him when he was just a year old. It was light blue and covered with little rubber duckies. Keep in mind that he had not had this blanket out in approx 2 years and I don't even know where he got it out from. 
Here is a picture I took of it in his bed the next morning after he left for school. It is so nice to

know that there is still a part of him that is a sweet little boy. I feel like he has grown up so fast and
HE thinks he is
MUCH older than he is. Maybe he will still need his parents a little bit longer. I don't know what inspired him to get it out and he has already put it away, but it gave me a little glimpse at
my little boy. He is still in there somewhere. It is silly, I know, but sometimes us moms can't help but to be a little sentimental...