So, for the first time in almost 9 years we went home to Albuquerque for Christmas. It is weird to call ABQ home, by now Phoenix feels more like home to us. We were joined in ABQ by Chad's sister, her husband, and our niece and nephew.

The best part about the trip was that Chad's parents got a hotel room for the week (with 3 beds and 2 baths) and they stayed there with all 4 of the grandkids at night. Thats right....Chad, Michelle, Clint, and I had their house all to ourselves after about 8pm every night! We took advantage of it by having fires everynight and either visiting with Mic and Clint, or by watching movies. It was very relaxing.

I had also forgotten how much the cold weather puts me into the Christmas mood. It some how just feels more like Christmas when it is snowing. Unfortunately none of the snow that came down stuck, but it was still beautiful to see. I think I got a picture of some of it on the mountains.
We spent the rest of our time making cookies, decorating the Christmas tree, eating mexican food and Dions (our favorite pizza place), and going to the light show at the Botanical Gardens. This is me, Mic, and Maia!

One of the funnest things we did was meet up with a group of friends that we have known since high school and go bowling. Everyone brought their kids and we had a blast! The next morning we got up and met Matt and Shannon for breakfast at a place down by the University. We really managed to fit alot in. I only got a picture of the guys, but here they are: Mike, Scott, Matt, Mitch, and Chad :)

In the picutre below it is Matt, Shannon, me, and Chad. It was taken by one of the kids at the house Matt and Shannon were staying in.
When we get together with Chad's family, we tend to get a little out of control. One of the funniest things we did this year was to play a joke on Chads mom by messing with her lighted reindeer in the front yard.
WARNING...the picture below may not be suitable for young children

OMG you guys are too funny..... How awesome that you guys got the house to yourselves no kiddos around!! :)
Fun trip Kris!! That's pretty funny with the reindeer!!
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