Friday, October 3, 2008

Tagged Again...

So, I have been tagged again. This time I have been asked to list 3 of each:my joys, my fears, my goals, current obsessions, facts about me. Here goes...

3 Joys

my boys - Chad, Dylan, and Collin
Being a nurse - Ilove taking care of people
my new friendships - you know who you are

3 Fears

Public bathrooms - they are soooo gross!

3 Goals
Getting out of debt
Travel with my husband
Lose more weight
Current Obsessions

Iced tea - I can't get enough of it
Taking pictures - to fill all of my scrapbooks
Blogging - my husband made me put this

Facts About Me

I went to 3 different schools, in 3 different states, and was in 3 different nursing programs prior to becoming a nurse (I was moving a lot to be with Chad).

I had a hysterectomy when I was only 27.
As much as I love cooking, I HATE to make sugar cookies because I am too much of a perfectionist to frost them.

I tag Tarah, Tiffany, and Nancy W.

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