4 Year Old Class MWF
My name is Jaden and I am four years old. I live in Texas
with my sister, my mom and my dad, by the guy. I play with
Reagan, he’s three. I’d have to look on my dinosaur bookmark
to tell you how to spell his mane, but it starts with an
“R”. My mommy works a lot, but my dad works even more.
Every family day he works on the computer. He’s not coming
back until night because he has a big dead line-big, big,
big, huge! Soon, until March 1st, I’ll be five. I have a lot of
favorite food, pizza, macaroni, and pizza rolls-that’s really
good. The pizza sauce is squishy in the middle and I can
handle the spicy. You mom has GOT to learn how to do
them for you! When I grow up I want to be a fireman because
I want to help people from the fire. You already
know what I’ll be for Halloween-Batman! Unless the costumes
are too small then I’ll be Spiderman.