Both boys have been playing for several seasons and while Dylan is only 9 he is playing up on a U11 team; Collin is only 7 and he is playing on a U9 team. We do this to keep them challenged and working hard (not to brag about how good they are). My boys get bored VERY easy!
Collin is on a good team with some buddies he knows from school and he is having a blast. Dylan, however, is having to think about soccer in a whole new way this year. Even though he is playing up this year, he is the best on his team. He got placed on a team that does not have anyone he knows, all but 3 of the kids have NEVER played before, and he has a couple of special needs kids on it. One of the kids has Aspergers syndrome. He is a great kid and is NOT the worst kid on our team. Dyl's coach is very good and recognizes that Dylan is having a hard time with being on a loosing team so he has been letting Dylan help coach and encouraging him in anyway he can. (Dylan's team lost 17-0 last week)
Anyway, this week, Collin's team won!!!!! The score was 5-3. Dylan's team did not win, but the score this week was only 6-1 with Dylan being the one to score our only goal. Way to go Dyl!!!! I am so proud of my boys and I am glad that Dylan is being patient with his other players. Dyl has become friends with the coach's son Mason who is also really good.

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