What does this have to do with me????
Well, in my younger years I did some modeling. My claim to fame is a safe sex billboard, an immodium AD commercial, and several little parts as an "extra".
What does this have to do with Daniel Nadelbach???
Well, almost exactly 11 years ago he was doing a photo shoot at the modeling agency I worked for in ABQ, NM and he told me that since I was moving that he wanted to take some pictures of me as a going away present. Here are a couple of the pictures he took. It was an amazing offer since he is a world renowned photographer and gets paid a lot for his photos.

What does this have to do with me now???
Well, that is the funny part. Who would have known that now in my 30's that my modeling experience would come in handy? Apparently it will. The last time I donated blood I was asked if they could take my picture to possibly use in one of their brochures. Attached is a copy of that picture as well which turned out horribly, but that is besides the point... Just last week I was contacted by United Blood Services and asked if I would participate in an actual photo shoot and possibly be used in their national campain. They want it to feature actual donors and it will share some of our stories. They have asked me to dress in my scrubs and asked that I bring my kids to be photographed with me. The photo shoot takes place next week. When they send me the photos I will be sure and share them with you...
Wow look at you the model! How cool! Congrats!
Cool! Can't wait to see the pictures. That will be fun for your boys as well.
I love your pictures. You are so beautiful. I can't wait for the blood one :) When are you coming over????
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