As most of you know, our family took our yearly camping trip this past weekend. We had a blast! I will post photos soon. What most of you don't know, is that the night before we left to go camping, Collin wrecked his bike. He was riding home from a friends house after just having gotten out of the pool. When he jumped on to ride home, his but slipped off the seat and his face and upper arm hit the handle bars. The next thing he knew he had face planted on the asphalt. This kid is SO tough that he hopped on his bike and rode the 3 blocks home before totally falling apart. Adrenaline is amazing. He almost put several of his top teeth through his lip, got road rash on his lower lip, ribs, mutilple spots on his arms, and a few big bruises to boot. The worst of it was his mouth. The swelling and pain has been incredible. Here are a few pictures of my baby - definitely not at his best.

The pictures don't even do his injuries justice. Poor guy. He is a trooper, and had a great time camping.