So, here I am alone again for the weekend. Chad left Thursday for his annual Mens' Mexico Trip. They are in Rocky Point building houses and having a major testosterone fest:) Chad looks forward to this trip every year.

Today, for Dylan's birthday, I let him skip school and have a day with Mom. The original plan was that I would pick him up at 11am and we would go to Amazing Jakes for lunch, mini golf, and ski ball. However, I was persuaded to let him take off the entire day if he helped me do chores first. It was great. I had free labor all morning without any attitude and then a great afternoon. I love to see the more relaxed side of Dylan.

For those of you who are wondering, where is Collin? Well, he got into a little trouble at school and instead of telling Chad and I what happened, he lied about it. We talked and HE decided that his punishment should be not getting to miss school to have a "fun day" with Mom. (He is really much harder on himself than I would be). It was extremely difficult for me to not let him stay home with us and I was tempted to pick him up on our way to Amazing Jakes, but Chad reminded me that lying is the one thing we cannot tolerate, so I stuck to my guns.